• In a world full of other monkeys, "the important thing is not to stop questioning." - Einstein (1955)

    R2-D2 Coffee Machine: Fighsty Lil' Droid Satisfying Your Caffeine Addiction

    Star Wars and Coffee. Can you imagine a more perfect combination? I certainly cannot. So when I stumbled across these step-by-step instructions to model your standard coffee machine after this lovable lil' droid, I was squirming with excitement like a fat kid in a candy story. Thanks to Instructables user iminthebathroom, there's no need to fantasize any longer, kids.

    This may not be candy or cake, but for coffee lovers and Star Wars fans around the world, this coffee-brewing droid is as equally pleasurable. And for all of you socially inept, super Star Wars fans, do not fret. This design provides a great conversation piece. <latentsocialskills>

    Let the planning commence!!

    (via Instructables)
    R2 says the chances of survival are 725... to one.

    And that's no mistake, C3PO. Our beloved buddy is right!

    For your safety with this DIY project, it's strongly advised to have a handyman... well, handy. Look on the bright side. You can finally use this as an excuse to bribe that sexy mechanic living across the street.

    At least for the average craftsman with little welding experience, this project could be a disaster waiting to happen. So plan well, take your time and leave the brazing and welding to the experienced. Your R2D2 - Dark Roast Edition will thank you for it.

    Once it's time to brew, let's not forget the golden rule towards our Jedi friend.
    Don't be mean, drink caffeine.

    Why? Simple. Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing your sister.

    Not a fan of coffee?
    Wake up, and join the rest of humanity!

    Still not convinced?

    Heh. Alright, then read what scientists have to say about coffee.
    Drinking Coffee Helps You Live Longer

    What? You still don`t want it? Then read what the Oatmeal says about it.
    The Oatmeal on Coffee

    That's right. Time to get your comatose ass out of that chair and start enjoying some freshly ground heaven.

    Side effects may include, but are not limited to: increase in energy, personality development (ooh, calling all socially incompetent!), goat kicking in-laws in the mouth, brain upgrades, career winning, omnipresence, superpowers, immortality, babies! so many babies!! and "given enough coffee, [you] could rule the world!" Think about it.

    Anyway... Enjoy this nerdtastic DIY project, or just envy the pictures.
    Happy Friday!!


    1 comment:

    1. Ahem.


      Actually, whatever, I want it.

      Theoden, assemble the knights!



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    Christa "The Monkey"
    Guilherme "Lord Gui"
    Martim "The Martinator"


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