• In a world full of other monkeys, "the important thing is not to stop questioning." - Einstein (1955)

    You are Not a Nerd.

    Hello my dear readers.

    Over the course of mankind, several groups of people had their share of persecution. We don`t have to look very far and we`ll see all kinds of racism, sexism, anti-semitism, elitism, etc-ism.
    However, one group in particular has always been the prime target for ridicule. The Nerds.

    If you look at history, Nerds have always been treated like crap. Regardless of skin color, creed, nationality, a Nerd was always the prime target for pretty much any kind of humiliation.

    So, why am I saying these things?

    In the last 15 years, we've noticed some changes. The Nerds actually got some respect, due to their countless, limitless contributions to mankind. But...something else also happened. Something dreadful. Something scary.

    The 20th Century has witnessed the birth of the P-Nerds, P standing for Pseudo here. No, I`m not ignoring the countless fake Nerds throughout history that took credit for Nerd work, such as Thomas Edison, Steve Jobbs, CEOs of Intel, IBM, Sony, etc etc etc. But I'm focusing on the conformity of the these no-good douchebags who act nerdy just to be "cool".
    But why, you ask me, why would "acting nerdy" be considered cool???

    Let's look at the current situation:

    The Big Bang Theory & Game of Thrones have become MASSIVE hits. Everyone watches them. Everyone loves them. Nothing wrong with that, I love both as well.

    However... everything that becomes super popular attracts the "leeches". The leeches are the douches who have no personality, no personal input and, in most cases, no brain, but attach to something popular, copy it and try to act cool using it.
    Considering the audience of both shows, it's safe to say 80% of the people watching them cannot comprehend 50% of what is being shown, said or mentioned. But it is presented in a funny way (BBT) so, LOLOLOL.

    Games have since long been the domain of the nerdkind. But, since the gaming industry became a VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS, in the mid 90s, games have been made differently, to please different audiences. Why care about the story? Why care about the plotline and plot twists? Just throw a bunch of effects there, pretty graphics and voila, you'll sell a ton of games. CoD series, WoW, Guitar Hero, etc etc etc..
    Nothing wrong with making money with your business... unless you built your business BECAUSE of the SAME group of people you're IGNORING with your shallow, impulse stimulating games.
    Nintendo played this like a master by launching the Wii with the whole "Social games", which you play with your mid 30s friends. They explored a niche in the market that was not even considered by most gaming companies. Kudos to Nintendo. Now, can you go back to making things for the VERY PEOPLE YOU IGNORED MAKING THE WII????

    Also a dukedom of the Kingdom of Nerd. Books are relatively safe, for now, since it actually takes people a minimal amount of effort to read them.
    Hint, though: Harry Potter isn't nerdy. At all.

    So, after countless research, we put together a list so you can check if you are a Nerd. And if you need to use this list, it's already a pretty obvious sign you aren't. But here we go:

    • Studying Engineering, Physics, Math, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Advertising or Biology does not make you a Nerd. It makes you dull. Of course, there are Nerds studying those, but just studying them doesn't instantly make you one.
    • Watching BBT or GoT does not make you a Nerd. Reading ALL GoT books does not make you a nerd. Reading all GoT books, all Tolkien's work, Terry Pratchett, Robin Cook, Frederick Forsyth, Kant, Bukowski, Nietsche, Freud and countless others MIGHT make you a Nerd.
    • Playing PS3, Xbox, WoW does not make you a Nerd. Knowing that 10d20+5 is a LOT, might make you a Nerd.
    • Living with your parents when you`re 35 does not make you a Nerd. It makes you a sad, unhappy little person.
    •  Knowing how to hack someone's email does not make you a Nerd. It makes you a douchebag who knows basic programming.
    • Being socially awkward around the opposite sex does not make you a Nerd. It makes you socially inept which, while being a Nerd common characteristic, does not transform you into a Nerd. Chances are you`ll pull out a gun one day and kill half of your classmates; a fleeting thought that would be quickly rationalized as deranged and psychopathic by a Nerd.
    • Dressing with Nerdy garments does not make you a Nerd. Cosplaying does not make you a Nerd. Cosplaying IF you are a Nerd is fine, weird as crap, but still fine. Cosplaying because you want to be cool makes you scum.
    • Owning a PS3, XBox, Wii does not make you a Nerd. Saying FF7 is the greatest RPG ever made not only does not make you a Nerd, as it shows how shallow you really are. Also shows you're a PS1 kid, which sets you lightyears away from any other Nerds.
    • Worshipping Gaia, Zeus, Thor and whatever God/Godess you wanna worship does not make you a Nerd. It makes you a religious-hipster.
    • Watching the Avengers, Wolverine Origins, X-Men whatever, Green Lantern, Captain America and loving it does not make you a Nerd. Knowing that Superman is DC and X-Men are Marvel also does not make you a Nerd. Owning a mint edition of the first Superman comic also does not make you a Nerd, it makes you a rich spoiled brat (even if you're 45).
    • Making ^_^, XD, ^^ faces on the internet does not make you a Nerd. It just shows you're ridiculous.
    • Watching Hentai does not make you a Nerd. Being sexually attracted to a tentacle raping a little japanese schoolgirl might make you a Nerd. Or a psychopath.

    Nerds are lonely people. With few, if any, friends. True Nerds cannot understand why would anyone want to show themselves as a Nerd. It's a life of mental torture and constant, relentless struggle against the whole world. Nerds laugh alone, cry alone. The go to sleep alone, wake up alone. If they're really lucky, they find someone who loves them for what they are. If they are really unlucky, they will end up hitched to someone who just got close to them for money.
    So, before you call yourself a Nerd, try to think that for Nerds, watching a douchebag acting nerdy is just as painful as you watching your tapes from when you were a kid. And taught your dog that peanut butter trick.


    Two Nerds.


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